Watch and keep track of variety of anime. CAnime contains all animes, popular and newly released anime and the collection is sorted according to popularity and genre's.
Use the app without any signup and store your favorite anime's locally.
CAnime Fetch all the latest and upcoming animes.
CAnime is Dark Mode enabled and has super user friendly and attractive Design.
Anime's data is fetched from MyAnimeList and video links are scraped from multiple different HD sources.
Different layout's for each Screen and Advance Video Player.
CAnime is totaly free no signup or hidden cost is there.
Download the app from play store.
From Dashboard you can browse anime, CAnime has different section for genre's and movies.
Mark your favorite anime and access it easily.
Your recenlty viewed will be stored automatically and you can continue from where you left without any hassle.
CAnime is a free anime app where you can watch latest anime online. CAnime provides all the available genres including Action, Comedy, Demons, Drama, Historical, Romance, Samurai, School, Shoujo Ai, Shounen Supernatural, etc. CAnime is committed to keeping you updated with the latest releases and providing excellent streaming capabilities for the best experience possible. CAnime provides many useful feature like Myanimelist(MAL) support, list of favorite and recently viewed animes, Ad-free for 3 days, etc.
Do you know that according to Statics, the monthly search for anime related topics is up to over 1 Billion times? Anime is famous worldwide and it is no wonder we've seen a sharp rise in the number of free anime streaming website & apps.
Just like free online movie streaming apps, anime watching apps are not created equally, some are better than the rest, so we've decided to build to be one of the best free anime streaming app for all anime fans on the world. is a free app to watch anime in ultra HD quality without any registration or payment. By having minimal Ads in all kinds, we are trying to make it the safest app for free anime.
Yes we are, we don't collect any sort of data from users and show only minimal Ads to cover the server cost and we keep scanning the ads 24/7 to make sure all are clean, If you find any ads that is suspicious, please forward us the info and we will remove it.
Before building, we've checked many other free anime apps, and we learnt that most of the apps don't function properly or don't have regular updates . We tried to resolve all those bad things and present you with cleanest and simplest experience in our CAnime app. Let's see how we're so confident about being the best app for anime streaming:
Streaming anime on is not considered illegal in the US. To be exact, watching only anime and copyrighted shows is not technically illegal at this time. According to copyright attorneys, only when you download or share files, will you be subject to criminal or civil charges. Therefore, you are recommended to watch anime free online to avoid any possible issues.
we don't own any of the video content, neither store that in any of our servers. We only scrape data from publicly available sites and allow to view it in the app.
So if you're looking for a trustworthy and safe app for your Anime streaming, let's give a try. And if you like us, please help us to spread the words and do not forget to bookmark our website for updates.
Thank you / Arigato 😎
Enjoy free HD Anime in your android.